Ekeria Blog

Creating a company website: a guide for SMEs

Written by Agnese Miralta | Jul 5, 2024 10:56:22 AM

In today’s digital world, having a business website is no longer an option, but a necessity for any business, be it a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) or a large company. Online presence through corporate websites is critical to reaching potential customers, building brand reputation and competing in the global marketplace. This guide provides a detailed overview of the implementation of corporate websites, covering all essential steps of the process.

A company website is a virtual showcase for your business. It not only represents your brand, but also acts as a main point of contact with potential customers. A company website is crucial for various reasons.


Why it is important to have a company website

A company website is a virtual showcase for your business. It not only represents your brand, but also acts as a main point of contact with potential customers. Here are some key reasons why having a business website is crucial:


  1. Visibility and Accessibility: A website makes your business visible 24/7, allowing customers to find information about your products or services at any time.
  2. Credibility and Professionalism: A business and professional website increases the credibility of your company. Customers tend to trust a company that has a well-maintained online presence more.
  3. Marketing and Advertising: With a business site, you can implement digital marketing strategies such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to improve the ranking of each web page on search engines, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) strategies and social media campaigns.
  4. Customer Service: A site can provide customer support through FAQ, live chat and contact forms, improving their experience and increasing customer satisfaction.

The first step to creating a company website: planning

Before you start building a new site, planning is critical. This includes setting goals: what do you want to achieve with your site? Increase sales, improve brand awareness, provide customer support? Furthermore, it is important to identify the target audience. Who are your potential customers? What are their needs and preferences? Another key step is the analysis of the competition. Identify the main competitors in your industry and examine their sites to understand what works and what you can improve when you build your platform.


Design and structure of the website

The first practical step in creating your website is to decide its visual appearance and the internal structure of the pages, also called "masting". The design should be intuitive, aesthetically pleasing and consistent with your brand identity. Often it is better to keep on a simple tree without too many items in the menu, so that it is easy to navigate the entire structure of the website.



User Experience (UX) is essential. Navigation must be easy and intuitive, so that users can easily find the information they are looking for. Also, your site needs to be mobile optimized. This is possible through a responsive design that ensures accessibility and usability on any device. A responsive design, in fact, is the type of design that adapts the graphics of the site to the device on which it is displayed.


Finally, branding is essential. Use colors, fonts, and images that represent your brand, while maintaining consistency to build recognition and trust. These must be defined a priori in what, in the jargon of web marketing, is called "Brand Identity".


Content and SEO

Content is the heart of your corporate website. They must be informative, relevant and optimized for search engines (SEO), so as to help site placement and indexing. Be sure to include key pages such as Home, About Us, Services/Products depending on the type of site, Blog, Contacts with related keyword to optimize them.


Use relevant keywords in content to improve search engine rankings. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you identify the most effective keywords. Also, include clear and compelling Call to Action (CTA) to guide visitors to specific actions, such as signing up for the newsletter, requesting a quote, or making a purchase.



The development phase involves the transformation of design and content into a working site. This is where web design and web development comes into play. Use a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal to facilitate the management and updating of site content.  These tools allow the integration of essential features such as contact forms, e-commerce, blogs, and integrations with social media. To get a professional site, you must also implement security measures such as SSL certificates, firewalls and regular backups to protect your site and user data.


Questi strumenti sono molto semplici e permettono anche a chi non maneggia il linguaggio informatico di costruire il proprio sito. Tuttavia, i risultati che si ottengono sono spesso standardizzati, in base a quanto si decide di investire su una determinata piattaforma e sulle risorse da impiegarci. In Ekeria, abbiamo programmatori esperti di diversi tipi di piattaforme. Richiedi subito una call gratuita per parlarci del tuo progetto.


These tools are very simple and allow even those who do not use computer language to build their own site. However, the results that are obtained are often standardized, depending on how much you decide to invest on a certain platform and the resources to be used. At Ekeria, we have experienced programmers from different types of platforms. Request a free call now to tell us about your project.


Test and launch

Before launch, it is crucial to test the site to make sure everything is working properly. A series of usability tests must be performed to verify that the site is easy to navigate and that all features are operational.

Another point is to make sure that the site works on various browsers and devices through compatibility tests. There are a number of SEO tools to make sure your site is optimized for search engines, such as Semrush and Google Search Console.


Maintenance and updates of the company website

La realizzazione di siti web aziendali non si conclude con il lancio. È importante mantenere il sito aggiornato e funzionante. Questo è uno dei motivi per cui è importante avere un blog aziendale costantemente aggiornato. Non serve solo a trovare utenti interessati all'argomento dell'articolo, ma anche a mantenere attivo il sito agli occhi degli algoritmi dei motori di ricerca.


Mantieni il CMS, i plugin e le estensioni aggiornati per garantire sicurezza e funzionalità. Utilizza strumenti come Google Analytics per monitorare il traffico del sito e le performance. Aggiungi regolarmente nuovi contenuti per mantenere il sito interessante e migliorare il posizionamento SEO.


The creation of corporate websites does not end with the launch. It is important to keep the site up to date and working. This is one of the reasons why it is important to have a constantly updated company's blog. It not only serves to find users interested in the topic of the article, but also to keep the site active in the eyes of search engine algorithms.

Keep your CMS, plugins, and extensions up to date to ensure security and functionality. Use tools like Google Analytics to track site traffic and performance. Regularly add new content to keep your site interesting and improve SEO ranking.


How hubspot can help in making a successful business website

HubSpot is an inbound marketing platform that offers powerful tools for building professional business websites. The hubspot CMS allows you to create customized professional websites without the need for advanced technical skills. It offers customizable templates, built-in SEO tools, and easy-to-use content management features. In addition, hubspot offers email marketing, social media, SEO and analytics tools to help promote your business website and attract potential customers. The platform allows you to automate various marketing and sales processes, improving efficiency and freeing up time for other strategic activities. HubSpot easily integrates with other platforms and tools, facilitating centralized management of marketing and sales activities.


Creating a business website is an essential investment for any modern business. Whether you’re starting with your first site or improving an existing one, following these steps will help you build a professional and effective business website. Remember that the site is not just a showcase, but a fundamental tool to attract and convert potential customers, improve brand visibility and support business growth.


By using platforms such as HubSpot, you can simplify the process of creating and managing the site, ensuring it is always at the forefront of design, functionality and optimization for search engines.



Advantages of HubSpot for your business website

Here are some of the main advantages that HubSpot can offer for the realization of your corporate website:


  • Ease of use: HubSpot offers an intuitive interface that facilitates the creation and management of the website even for those without advanced technical skills.
  • Integrated SEO: Search engine optimization tools help improve your website’s ranking on Google and other search engines.
  • Marketing automation: With HubSpot, you can automate many marketing tasks, such as sending emails, managing leads, and monitoring performance.
  • Integration with other tools: HubSpot easily integrates with other marketing, sales and customer service platforms and tools.

Comparison table: CMS for corporate websites

CMS Ease of use Integrated SEO Automation Integration Cost
WordPress High Medium Low High Variable
Joomla Medium Medium Low Medium Variable
Drupal Low High Low High Variable
HubSpot CMS High High High High Monthly subscription


Ekeria is HubSpot’s gold partner. Get a free demo now and we’ll explain this CRM in detail.



Creating a corporate website is a crucial step for any SME or large company that wants to establish itself in the digital market. A well-designed website not only strengthens your company’s online presence, but also serves as a powerful marketing, sales and customer service tool. Careful planning, intuitive design, quality content and the use of a robust platform such as hubspot are key to ensuring the success of your corporate website.


HubSpot, with its many integrated features, facilitates the creation and management of a professional and optimized website for search engines. From design to maintenance, HubSpot offers advanced tools that can simplify the process and significantly improve results. Investing in a business website is not just a question of visibility, but an essential strategy to attract potential customers, increase credibility and sustain business growth in the long term.


A successful corporate website is an indispensable asset in the modern world. With the right attention to detail and using the available technologies, you can create a site that not only best represents your brand, but actively supports your business goals, making your company competitive and ready to face the challenges of the digital market. Contact us for a free call where we will talk about your project.