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How to create a sales funnel: the steps

Written by Agnese Miralta | Jun 7, 2024 12:28:54 PM

If you work in the world of entrepreneurship or marketing, you've probably heard of the concept of a "sales funnel." But what exactly is a sales funnel and why is it so important for your online business?

A sales funnel, or marketing funnel, is a strategy that helps you guide prospects through each step of the buying process, in order to increase conversions and sales. Each stage of the funnel is designed to engage your leads and push them forward in the purchasing process, until they become satisfied, loyal customers.

Creating an effective sales funnel requires a solid marketing strategy. Here are the essential steps that will help you to create a winning sales funnel:


Key points:

  • Understand your target audience and their specific needs.
  • Clearly define your goals.
  • Optimize every stage of your funnel to maximize conversions.
  • Use content marketing to engage and educate your potential customers.
  • Automate your marketing process to create a personalized experience for your leads.
  • Track your sales metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimize your funnel.

What is a sales funnel and why is it important at every stage of your business

It is a process that guides a lead, or a potential customer, through the different stages of the sales process. The goal of the sales funnel is to establish a relationship with the potential customer, show them the value of your product or service and guide them towards purchasing.


It is essential for your business because it allows you to effectively channel and manage leads, offering them a personalized experience at every stage of the sales process. Through a well-structured process, you can maximize your conversions, increase sales and retain your customers. Imagine the sales funnel as a funnel: at the beginning, you have a large number of potential customers interested in your product or service, but as they go through the different stages of the funnel, only those who are really interested will move down, until the final stage where they will become customers.


To make this process effective, you need to understand the different phases that compose it and how each of them contributes to achieving your sales goals. Each step is essential, even if it contributes in a different way to the success of the sale. Let's see the main phases of the sales funnel:



Phase 1: Lead Generation

Where to start to create a winning marketing funnel? From a lead generation. At this stage, your main goal is to capture qualified leads, i.e. people who are interested in your product or service. You can use several marketing strategies to generate leads, such as offering a lead magnet – a free, valuable offer in exchange for the user's contact information.


Phase 2: Lead Nurturing

Once you have captured potential customers, it is important to nurture them with relevant and valuable content. This allows you to establish a relationship with the lead and keep them engaged with your brand. You can use content marketing to provide useful information, answer user questions, and demonstrate the value of your product or service. Additionally, valuable content helps rank your website high in search engines, allowing users to find you naturally.


Phase 3: Conversion

The next stage is the conversion stage, where you convince the potential buyer to make their first purchase or take a desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or requesting a consultation. At this stage, it is important to convincingly present your product or service and show the lead the benefits they will get. You can use strategies like social proof, customer testimonials, or special offers to push the lead into action.


Another widely used strategy is to have anyone who leaves their contacts download an ebook or PDF containing useful information to find out more and be able to carry on the sale. This way both parties get something.

The conversion phase is one of the most delicate and long. We must guarantee consistency, without however being insistent, understanding how it is best to approach the user and lead him to make the final purchase.


Phase 4: Repeat Sales

After converting the potential customer into an actual customer, it is important to maintain and develop the relationship with him. This allows you to achieve repeat sales over time, increasing customer value for your business. You can use strategies such as upselling, i.e. offering the customer additional products or services, or cross-selling, i.e. offering products related to those they have already purchased.


An effective sales funnel is able to guide the lead through all stages of the funnel, converting them into a satisfied buyer and creating a long-term relationship with the customer. By implementing a well-structured sales funnel and constantly working on your funnel strategies, you will be able to improve your sales and grow your business.


Phase 5: Reporting

To have a successful sales trend, it is important to analyze the steps taken and understand what worked and what didn't, which marketing and sales strategies gave the best results.It is important to constantly monitor sales metrics, such as conversion rate, average order value, number of customers acquired and churn rate, in order to identify any positive or negative trends. To do this, you need to define clear objectives from the start and decide which metrics to monitor.


Furthermore, it is useful to collect feedback from customers to understand what they appreciate about the product or service offered and what could be improved. This allows you to adapt your sales strategy to customer needs and best meet their expectations.



How to create a sales funnel step by step

In the final stage of creating your sales funnel, it is important to follow a detailed and well-structured process. In this section, we will guide you step by step in creating a winning sales funnel.


Create an effective landing page

The landing page is the entry point of your sales funnel. It must be well designed and optimized to convert visitors into potential customers. Be sure to include a catchy headline, persuasive message, engaging visuals, and a strong call-to-action. All this without using distracting elements: it is important not to distract the user with too much information, nor require him to perform too many actions, or he will get tired quickly. Use compact contact forms to capture visitor information and start the conversion process.


Entrust contacts to the right sellers

In small businesses, there is often only one person in charge of sales and contacts. However, in large companies the sales team is made up of more people. To ensure that the sales cycle works as well as possible, assign potential customers to the most experienced and qualified seller in their field, so that an effective and functional dialogue can be established.


Use email marketing strategies to engage potential customers

Email marketing is a powerful tool for engaging prospects along the sales funnel. Create a well-structured email marketing campaign that sends personalized, relevant messages to prospects based on their position in the funnel. You can use marketing automation to send automatic messages based on the actions of prospects.


Leverage the importance of content marketing in your lead funnel

Content marketing is critical to guiding prospects through each stage of the sales funnel. Create valuable content that answers potential customers' questions and needs. Use blogs, videos, guides and more to educate and inform potential customers, demonstrating your industry authority and building trust.

As already mentioned, creating a blog, for example, is one of the first steps to take in a digital marketing strategy to generate valuable content for your website visitors.



Track metrics to optimize your conversion and sales funnel

To ensure your sales funnel is working effectively, carefully monitor key metrics. Analyze conversions, email open rate, click-through rate and other relevant metrics. Use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to record and track all potential customer interactions in the sales funnel. With this information, you can identify areas for improvement and make necessary optimizations to maximize conversions and achieve better results.


Automate the entire process: the use of a CRM

This whole process requires time, energy and enormous organization. To facilitate all this, you can resort to the use of Customer Relationship Management - already mentioned - such as HubSpot, a RevOps Software. These platforms allow marketing automation, i.e. the automation of all the processes described: from the creation of blogs to the analysis of user movements on the site, from recording potential customer data to good management of marketing emails. , ending with the automation of customer requests and their maintenance as well.


Through these marketing automation software, it is possible to monitor each phase of the entire procedure, thus having a simple global vision of the actions being carried out. Thus, the sales funnel is monitored together with the web marketing plan which is managed from the same platform.


A CRM like HubSpot is a versatile, user-friendly tool with which you can manage various marketing channels, the website, customers, potential customers, various marketing campaigns, social networks, tickets and much more. Ekeria, a RevOps Software Agency, is a gold partner of HubSpot. Book a free call now to find out more.



Conclusions and actions to be taken

Bottom line, constantly review and optimize your sales funnel to maximize conversions and increase sales.Take advantage of the potential of a CRM to manage your ideal sales funnel. Remember that the process of creating a sales funnel takes time and patience, but the results will definitely be rewarding for your business.



What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is a marketing strategy that guides potential customers through different stages, from the moment they come in contact with your business to the final stage of purchase. This funnel process relies on creating content and using various marketing tactics to convert leads into paying customers.

What are the stages of the sales funnel?

The stages of the sales funnel include: the top of the funnel where leads are captured, the middle of the funnel where leads are routed and qualified, and the bottom of the funnel where converted leads become actual customers.

What is the goal of creating a sales funnel?

The main goal of creating a sales funnel is to guide prospects through the different stages of the sales process, ultimately converting them into paying buyers. A good sales funnel can help you optimize conversions and increase sales in your business.

How can I create an effective sales funnel?

To create an effective sales funnel, it is important to follow some key steps: identify your target customers, create targeted landing pages to capture leads, implement an email marketing strategy to engage potential customers, offer a valuable lead magnet for incentivize conversion, monitor metrics and continuously optimize the funnel based on the results obtained.

What metrics do I need to monitor?

Some key metrics to track in your sales funnel include: the number of leads generated, conversion rate between funnel stages, email open and click rate, actual conversions, and average cart value. These metrics will give you valuable insights into the health of your sales funnel and help you identify any areas for optimization.


How can I create effective content?

The contents must be created by studying both the target, the competitors and the search engines. From the latter you can draw the keywords to use for the blog articles, from the competitors you can understand which topics to cover and which to avoid. From all this study it is possible to plan a Digital Editorial Plan capable of being interesting and valuable for potential customers.