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How to do effective lead generation to acquire new customers

Written by Agnese Miralta | Jul 24, 2024 1:33:33 PM

Lead generation is a crucial aspect of any digital marketing strategy. What is lead generation? It is the process of attracting and converting strangers and potential customers into leads, i.e. contacts who have shown interest in your product or service.

An effective lead generation strategy is essential to growing your business and acquiring new customers. In this context, HubSpot stands out as one of the most powerful and versatile platforms for lead generation.

In this article, we will explore how to do lead generation effectively using HubSpot, taking advantage of the various features offered to maximize results.


The Importance of Lead Generation

Lead generation is important because it allows you to build a base of interested contacts, who can then be transformed into customers through lead nurturing strategies. For B2B companies, B2B lead generation is even more critical, as the sales cycle is often longer and more complex than B2C.

A first mistake you run into is obtaining leads that are not valid, poorly targeted. To ensure that the work done has its relevance and is not just a waste, you must ensure that you obtain quality leads.

A good lead generation strategy helps you identify potential customers, also known as marketing qualified leads (MQL) and sales qualified leads (SQL), thus improving your conversion rate and, consequently, your sales.


How to Do Lead Generation with HubSpot

HubSpot CRM is a complete digital marketing platform that focuses specifically on attracting and managing new leads and contacts. With this in mind, it offers a wide range of tools to effectively generate lead.

If you want to know more about all the product features, contact Ekeria, HubSpot Gold Partner in Milan. Request a free product demo now.

But getting back to us, here's how you can take advantage of HubSpot's different features to create and improve your lead generation strategy.



1. Create Effective Landing Pages

Landing pages are crucial for lead generation. These pages are designed to capture visitors' attention and convince them to provide their contact details in exchange for something of value, known as a lead magnet. HubSpot offers tools to create highly customizable, conversion-optimized landing pages.


Esempio di Landing Page

Imagine offering a free ebook on your website. An effective landing page will include:

  • A catchy title
  • A brief description of the contents of the ebook
  • A contact form to collect name, email and phone number
  • A cover image of the ebook
  • A clear and unique call-to-action (CTA)

Using multiple CTAs, inserting too many images and generally making the landing too confusing will lead to abandonment by the potential lead.


2. Use Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are crucial tools in your lead generation strategy. These can be ebooks, whitepapers, webinars, free trials, or exclusive discounts. The value of the lead magnet must be perceived as greater than the cost of providing your contact information.


Table of Lead Magnet Examples

Type of Lead Magnet Description Example
Ebook A digital book on a specific topic "Complete Guide to Lead Generation"
Webinar Online seminar on a relevant topic "Advanced SEO Strategies for 2024"
Free Trial Temporary access to a product/service "14 Day Free Trial of Our Software"
Whitepaper Technical document or detailed report "B2B Market Analysis in 2023"
Exclusive Discount Special offer for new members "20% Discount on First Purchase"


3. Segment your contacts

Segmenting your contacts is essential to personalize your lead nurturing campaigns. HubSpot allows you to segment your leads based on several criteria, such as browsing behavior, previous interactions, demographics, and more. This allows you to send highly relevant content that increases your conversion rate.


In this article we talked about creating lists and lists with the CRM, precisely to be able to better manage all the company's marketing actions.


4. Email Marketing and Marketing Automation

Email marketing is an essential component of lead generation. HubSpot offers advanced email marketing and marketing automation tools that allow you to create automated campaigns to nurture your leads. You can set up email sequences that are automatically sent based on specific triggers, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a lead magnet.


In addition to this, there are periodic newsletters, which can lead to a transformation from leads into actual customers, if they offer sufficiently interesting and valid content.


5. Content Marketing

Content marketing is an effective way to attract and engage potential customers. Creating and distributing valuable content on your blog, website and social channels helps position you as an expert in your industry and generate qualified leads. HubSpot offers content management tools that help you plan, create, and publish content efficiently.


Naturally, it is necessary to choose channels that are appropriate to the brand identity and tone of voice. It's not wrong for a B2B company to use a channel like Instagram, usually used for B2C, if you create suitable content. What is important is to maintain consistency between the various channels and the content produced.


6. Use of Social Media

With this in mind, social media is a powerful channel for B2B and B2C lead generation. You can use HubSpot to create posts across various channels, manage your social media campaigns, track interactions, and generate leads directly from your social pages. For example, you can create sponsored ads on Facebook and LinkedIn that direct potential customers to a conversion-optimized landing page.



7. SEO and Search Engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing the visibility of your website and attracting organic, i.e. non-paid, traffic. HubSpot offers SEO tools that help you identify relevant keywords, optimize your content, and monitor performance.

Furthermore, the SEO section of the platform highlights any problems in terms of links, loading speed, trees and other elements relevant for optimization.

All this allows you to have a site that is optimized as much as possible. A good SEO strategy allows you to rank higher in search results, increasing your chances of generating qualified leads.


8. Analysis and Optimization

Measuring and analyzing the performance of your lead generation campaigns is essential to optimize results. HubSpot offers detailed dashboards and reports that allow you to monitor key metrics, such as conversion rate, number of leads generated, and campaign ROI. Using this data, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your strategy. You can also create A/B tests to compare two different landing pages with the same objective to understand which of the two works better.


9. Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with potential customers through relevant content and interactions. With HubSpot, you can create automated email sequences that guide leads through the sales funnel, turning them into paying customers. This approach helps you keep leads engaged and push them towards purchasing.


Conclusion: the best strategy for generating leads

Sembra complesso e in parte lo è, chiaramente. Ekeria, digital agency, è partner gold HubSpot. Prenota ora una call gratuita per parlarci del tuo progetto, senza impegno.


In conclusion, doing lead generation effectively requires a well-planned strategy and the use of the right tools. But in addition to being right, they must also be suitable, tailor-made for the company. Every case is different.

HubSpot offers a complete suite of lead generation, lead nurturing, and marketing automation tools to help you achieve your business goals. From landing pages to lead magnets, from email marketing to content marketing, HubSpot allows you to create and manage successful lead generation campaigns, improving your conversion rate and acquiring new customers.

To start doing lead generation with HubSpot, it is important to understand the needs of your target and develop a strategy that makes the most of the features offered by the platform. With a combination of valuable content, advanced lead techniques, and effective campaign management, you can grow your business and achieve significant results.

It seems complex and in part it clearly is. Ekeria, digital agency, is a HubSpot gold partner. Book a free call now to talk to us about your project, without obligation.


Please note

Lead generation is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and optimization. Use HubSpot data and analytics to continuously improve your strategies and stay competitive in the market.


Start lead generation with HubSpot today and discover how this powerful platform can help you reach and exceed your marketing and sales goals. Book the free demo now where we will explain all the features of this CRM.