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Target Analysis: Knowing Your Target Audience

Written by Agnese Miralta | Aug 2, 2024 1:52:10 PM

Target analysis is a fundamental element in the business planning and marketing process. Knowing your target audience allows you to anticipate their needs and develop effective strategies. Target analysis is not limited to a simple search for the demographic characteristics of the desired audience segment, but also includes an in-depth study of the expectations and experience that the target expects to obtain in the relationship with your company.

The Importance of Target Analysis

Why is it crucial?

Knowing your target audience is essential to any successful business plan. Without a detailed understanding of your target audience, your marketing strategies will be ineffective. Target audience analysis helps you develop a clear and precise vision of your ideal customer, helping your business focus its resources on the people who are most likely to buy your products or services.


Benefits of Target Analysis

A well-executed target analysis offers numerous benefits. It allows you to clearly identify who your potential customers are, what their needs are, and how to best meet their expectations compared to your competitors. This process is essential for defining your target customer and segmenting your target market.

Some of the main benefits of target analysis include:


  • Anticipate customer needs: Understanding the needs and desires of your target audience helps you create products and services that meet exactly what your customers are looking for.
  • Create targeted products and services: Knowing your target audience allows you to develop tailored solutions that precisely meet your customers' expectations.
  • Improve customer satisfaction: Effectively responding to your target audience's needs increases customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
  • Increase conversions: Well-targeted digital strategies lead to increased conversions, as messages are relevant and compelling to your target audience.
  • Optimize marketing resources: Knowing your target audience helps you focus your marketing resources on the most promising market segments, reducing waste and improving your return on investment (ROI).


The Usefulness of a Market Analysis

A market analysis is essential to intercept new customers in the right environment. It collects detailed information about the right potential customers, such as age, income and purchasing preferences. It allows you to understand what consumers are looking for and how they behave, identifying the specific needs and trends of the specific market niche. In addition, it analyzes the competition to find unique opportunities, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. It is, therefore, a study of the environment in which consumers and competitors move.


Target Audience Analysis Methods

To conduct an effective target audience analysis, you need to use different research methods. These may include contextual surveys, diary writing, surveys and questionnaires, and usability testing.


Contextual Investigations

Contextual inquiry is a research technique in which a researcher observes people in their natural environment as they perform everyday activities. This method provides detailed information about the context in which a product or service is used.



  • Gain insights into work practices
  • Learn which tools and features are used regularly by users


  • Takes time
  • Can be invasive

Contextual investigations are particularly useful for understanding user behavior in real-world situations. For example, an office software company can observe how employees use their tools throughout the workday, thereby identifying areas where the product can be improved.


Writing of Diaries

Journaling is useful for seeing how users interact with a product over a long period of time. During this time, participants are asked to keep a journal and record specific information about their activities.



  • Provides long-term feedback
  • Allows you to monitor the continued use of a product


  • Requires constant commitment from participants

Diaries are a valuable tool for collecting detailed data about the daily use of a product. For example, in a project to develop a new fitness app, participants could log their workout sessions, indicating what worked well and what could be improved.



Surveys and Questionnaires

These two tools allow you to collect a significant volume of responses, paving the way for detailed analysis. There are two main types of surveys: quantitative and qualitative.


Quantitative: Counts results and shows how many people are “doing this” versus “that.” Qualitative: Asks open-ended questions to get comments, feedback, and suggestions.


Example of Quantitative Questions:

  • "How many times a week do you use this product?"
  • "Do you prefer version A or version B?"

Example of Qualitative Questions:

  • "How could we improve your experience?"
  • "What do you like most about this product?"


  • Large volume of responses
  • Possibility of detailed analysis


  • Possible response bias

Surveys and questionnaires are flexible tools that can be used to collect a wide range of data. For example, a company that produces home appliances could use surveys to understand which features customers value most and what improvements they would like to see.


Usability Testing

Usability testing involves participants testing a product through a series of specific scenarios. The goal is to identify usability issues, collect qualitative data, and determine overall participant satisfaction.



  • Identifying Usability Issues
  • Collecting Qualitative Data
  • Determining Customer Satisfaction


  • It can be expensive and complex to organize

Usability testing is crucial to ensure that a product is easy to use and meets user expectations. For example, a company developing a new website might conduct usability testing to ensure that visitors can easily navigate and find the information they are looking for.



Analysis Methods Comparison Table

Methods Advantages Disadvantages
Contextual Investigation Detailed information, real context It takes time, can be invasive
Diary Long-term feedback Requires constant commitment from participants
Surveys and Questionnaires Large volume of responses, detailed Possible response bias
Usability Testing Identifying usability issues It can be expensive and complex







Target Segmentation

Importance of Segmentation

Segmenting the target market is an essential process for any marketing strategy. It allows you to divide the market into smaller and homogeneous groups, which share similar characteristics. This approach allows you to develop targeted and more effective campaigns.


Types of Segmentation

There are several types of division that can be used:


  • Demographic: Based on age, gender, income, education, etc.
  • Geographic: Based on geographic location
  • Psychographic: Based on lifestyle, values, personality
  • Behavioral: Based on purchasing behavior, product usage, brand loyalty

Example of Segmentation on Demographic Data:

  • Age: 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, etc.
  • Income: <20K, 20-50K, >50K

Example of Geographic Segmentation:

  • City: Milan, Rome, Naples
  • Region: Lombardy, Lazio, Campania

Segmenting your target audience allows you to create more relevant and personalized marketing messages. For example, a company that sells sportswear could segment its audience by age and region, developing targeted campaigns for young athletes in Lombardy and fitness enthusiasts in Rome.



Practical Application: Defining the Ideal Client

Identifying the Ideal Client

Defining your ideal customer is a crucial step for any business. This process helps you focus your marketing strategies and improve the effectiveness of your campaigns. To identify your ideal customer, you need to answer several questions:


  • What are my customer's needs?
  • What problems does he/she face?
  • What do he/she want to get from my product or service?
  • What are his/her purchasing habits?

Target Examples

Below, we list two possible examples applied to different contexts.


Example 1: Beauty Product


  • Demographic: Female, 25-45, medium-high income
  • Psychographic: Attention to self-care, interested in beauty trends
  • Behavioral: Frequent purchase of beauty products, preference for premium brands

Example 2: Streaming Service


  • Demographic: Male and female, 18-35, students or young professionals
  • Psychographic: Movie and TV enthusiast, tech-savvy
  • Behavioral: Regular streaming, monthly subscription

Defining your ideal customer helps you focus your marketing efforts on those who are most likely to become loyal customers. For example, a luxury cosmetics brand can focus their campaigns on high-income women between 25 and 45, developing content that resonates with their values ​​and lifestyle.



Moving in advance, knowing the needs of your customers and calibrating your digital marketing strategies is essential to create a communication path that allows you to make the quality of your products and services known. The analysis of target customers, segmentation of the reference target and understanding customer behavior are key steps to define the ideal customer and develop a winning strategy for the target market.


Listening to others, understanding their needs and doubts, and offering an appropriate response are the pillars of achieving success in the target market. With in-depth market research and accurate segmentation, you can reach potential customers more effectively, responding to their expectations and improving their overall experience.


Target audience analysis is therefore a continuous and dynamic process, which requires constant attention and adaptation to the changing needs of the market. Only through an in-depth understanding of their target audience, companies can develop products and services that not only meet, but exceed customer expectations, thus ensuring a competitive advantage in the market and possible subsequent loyalty.

If you want to manage your relationships with your target audience in a smart way, communicating with them in the right way and at the right time, take advantage of HubSpot automation with Ekeria. Request a free demo of the CRM now, without obligation.