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What is a CRM or customer relationship management for?

Written by Agnese Miralta | Jun 6, 2024 9:41:35 AM

What is a CRM software for?

A CRM software, or Customer Relationship Management, is a fundamental tool for companies that want to improve the management of customer relationships. This type of software allows you to centralize and organize all customer information, facilitating interactions and improving the customer experience. But what exactly does a CRM system consist of and what are its main advantages?


What does a CRM system consist of?

A CRM system is a set of practices, strategies and technologies used by companies to manage and analyze interactions with their customers. CRM software allows you to manage users' customer journeys, collect and store customer data, such as contact information, purchase history, preferences and past interactions. This data is critical to personalizing communications and improving customer relationships. In addition, a CRM system in the company allows you to segment the market and identify the most promising sales opportunities.


What is the point of using cloud customer relationship management?

Using a cloud CRM offers numerous advantages compared to traditional on-premise solutions. First of all, it allows access to data in real time from any location and device, facilitating collaboration between the various company departments. A cloud CRM is also more scalable and flexible, allowing companies - small and medium-sized businesses, but especially large ones - to adapt the system to their growing needs without significant initial investments in hardware and infrastructure. Additionally, cloud solutions often offer automatic updates and greater data security.


On top of that, working on a cloud basis makes CRM collaborative: various employees can access the lead database, customer data, marketing hubs and much more from their respective devices, as long as they have permissions. Every change made by one person is seen in real time by the others.



What are the advantages of CRM for a company

Implementing a CRM software brings numerous benefits to a company. Among the main ones we can include:

  • Improved customer relationships and management: thanks to the centralization of data and the ability to personalize interactions.
  • Increased sales: through more effective management of leads and sales funnel.
  • Optimization of marketing campaigns: with advanced tools to segment the market and analyze the data collected.
  • Improved customer service: Offering fast, accurate responses with immediate access to all customer information.
  • Operational efficiency: automating many business processes and reducing manual work.

A more in-depth table

Here is a table that compares the activities of a company that does not have a CRM versus when it has one:


Activity Without CRM With CRM
Customer data management Data dispersed across separate spreadsheets and documents Centralized data in a single accessible database
Communications with customers Generic and non-personalized communications Personalized communications based on customer data
Sales processes Manual and disorganized processes Automation of sales processes and lead management
Marketing Difficulty in segmenting and targeting campaigns Advanced segmentation and targeted marketing campaigns
Customer care Slow and uncoordinated responses Rapid and coordinated responses thanks to access to data
Data analysis Limited and time-consuming analysis Advanced real-time reporting and analytics
Collaboration between departments Poor information sharing Instant information sharing between departments
Activity monitoring Difficulty in monitoring company activities Real-time activity monitoring and tracking
Strategic planning Decisions based on incomplete data Informed decisions based on complete and accurate data
Management of sales opportunities Sales opportunities often missed or overlooked Effective management of opportunities and increase sales


This table clearly highlights how a CRM can transform business activities, making them more efficient, organized and data-oriented.


Types of CRM

There are different types of CRM, each with specific functions to meet different business needs. Operational CRM automates sales, marketing and customer service processes, improving operational efficiency. Analytical CRM collects and analyzes data to provide insights useful for strategic decisions. Collaborative CRM facilitates the sharing of information between various company departments and with external partners, improving internal communication. Strategic CRM focuses on customer loyalty and long-term value management, while social CRM integrates social media, allowing you to manage and analyze customer interactions across these platforms. Companies often combine these types to achieve comprehensive customer relationship management.


Alternatively, there are systems in the world of CRM that bring all of this together, allowing for global work management from a single platform. By doing this you can improve the processes listed above with a single system.

CRM industry leader on the market: HubSpot


Among various CRM solution providers, HubSpot stands out as an industry leader. HubSpot offers a complete and integrated platform that covers all customer relationship management needs, from lead management to marketing automation and customer service.


This software allows you to study the behavior of customers and users, understanding what the strong points of your site, your communications and your social networks are, and what are the points to improve. The CRM monitors all interactions and from this it is possible to create customized reports. But let's see the features of this platform in detail.



Lead and sales funnel management

With HubSpot CRM, businesses can manage leads efficiently, tracking every interaction and moving prospects through the sales funnel with automated tools. The software allows you to monitor sales performance and identify opportunities for improvement.


In addition to this, it allows you to manage a whole series of actions aimed at improving relationships with customers, up to their loyalty, to the point of making them ambassadors of the company itself.


Manage your business marketing efforts with HubSpot

HubSpot CRM offers powerful marketing automation tools that allow you to segment the market, personalize campaigns and analyze results. Businesses can create targeted email marketing campaigns, manage social media and track visitor behavior on their website.


There is the possibility of creating your own website within the software, or integrating third-party systems with the CRM platform, with extreme ease. In fact, HubSpot is a user-friendly software, designed to make the work of managing all these marketing aspects easy and agile. In this way all data from the CRM, the website and external platforms will be collected in a single system.


If you are interested in an easy-to-use CRM software like HubSpot's, contact us now for a free demo where we will show you the product, features and different plans.


Improve customer service with HubSpot CRM

Customer service is another area where HubSpot excels. The software allows you to centralize all customer requests, monitor interactions and provide quick, personalized responses while processing tickets. Furthermore, thanks to data analysis, companies can identify service weaknesses and continuously improve the customer experience and sales process. Managing customer contact in an agile way is an essential activity that helps companies satisfy customers and, more generally, improve their reputation.


What is CRM for when it comes to reports

Having specific reports is essential to discover where your company needs to improve and what it excels at. A good CRM offers the possibility of creating personalized reports, so as to have only the elements of interest and not an excess of confusing and irrelevant data. Furthermore, as already mentioned, one of the key points of the HubSpot CRM is its connection with third-party platforms and the ability to monitor each communication channel globally.


In conclusion, why use a CRM in your company?

In conclusion, a CRM software is an indispensable ally for any company that wishes to improve the management of relationships with its customers. Using a CRM solution, especially in the cloud, offers numerous advantages in terms of efficiency, scalability and data security. And with market leaders like HubSpot, businesses have powerful tools to optimize every aspect of customer interactions, from lead management to after-sales service.


Ekeria is a gold partner of HubSpot. Contact us now for a free product demo and an overview of how it could help you with your business management.