Update website:
the IDM Automation case

Case History
IDM creates customized systems on the specific needs of customers up to the creation, installation, and after-sales assistance.
IDM Automation needed to improve its online presence, updating the website to make it coordinated with the new brand image.
We redesigned the brand logo, then moved on to updating the website, also adding the ability to search using filters and maintaining the blog.
Traffic to the site has increased both nationally and internationally, especially since the site can be viewed in Italian and English. The new logo has modernized the corporate image online.
The needs of our client
IDM Automation turned to Ekeria, a Digital Marketing Agency, as it wanted to implement its online presence, improve its image and update its website.
The specific needs that the company communicated to us were the following:
- Align their online image with their offline reputation.
- Communicate their services more effectively.
- Make the most of the potential of the web to increase the number of customers and partners with whom to start collaborations.
- Facilitate user navigation on your site.

The path taken for IDM Automation
After understanding the company's objectives, we proceeded to create a new logo, to revitalize the image of IDM Automation.
Later, we focused on updating the website, making it easier for users to navigate. In fact, we modified the texts, maintained the technicalities of the sector, increased the clarity of the contents.
In addition, for the products section we provided a filter search, so that the interested public could immediately find the product to meet their needs.
Finally, we created articles for the website's blog written from an SEO perspective, to improve online positioning and keep the site updated.

Logo design and creation
The company wanted to update its image, so we worked on creating a new logo. The logo represents an important business card for any company, and it is important that it best reflects the identity that you want to convey to your customers. Furthermore, it is essential that it is aligned with current trends.
Initially the IDM Automation logo did not have any specific graphic elements. In fact, it consisted of the three letters "I", "D", "M" highlighted in bright green, accompanied by the word "automation" below them.
To create and consolidate the brand identity of IDM Automation we created a new logo, elegant, colorful and distinctive, which best reflects the new image that the company intended to communicate.
The new logo represents modernization, change and the company's ability to keep up with the times. In addition, it features simple, geometric lines that make it perfectly readable on any digital format and easily memorable.
We created two versions of the logo, one with the writing in a modern font, and one without, using only the geometric lines.
To create the new logo, we also looked at the logos of the competitors, to understand the main trends.

Update the company website
Updating the website is essential to keep up with the times and improve one's image.
The IDM Automation website has been updated and modernized. The client wanted users, once they opened the site, to immediately and clearly understand the services offered by the company. For this reason, we have improved the ease of use and the clarity of the contents.
The site has been redesigned graphically. The cover image and text have been changed to make it immediately clear who the company was and what it did.
In addition to the new logo, a menu has been added to make it easier for users to navigate, consisting of the following sections:
- Who we are, where you can find information on the history of the company and its leading values.
- What we do, where the work of IDM Automation is explained.
- Products, where you can browse the list of equipment.
- News, with blog articles.
- Contacts, with useful details for contacting the company.
Update the website with filter search
Specifically, for the "Products" section we created filters to simplify the search for users.
In fact, the automated machines that IDM Automation produces are numerous and allow you to carry out the main processes, such as filling, packaging, dosage and printing.
Through the filter search it is possible to search for products based on the category, the material used for the packaging to the filling of the product.
Logos of different colors have been created to easily and quickly identify the main function performed by the machine.
A card with information and a photo has been inserted for each product.
The website was created in an Italian-English multilingual version in order to reach an international audience.

Creation of articles for blogs
To keep the site up to date, we have focused on the creation of articles for the company blog written from the point of view of a SEO and published regularly. The blog articles all have a similar and consistent structure to each other.
The articles deal with both innovations in the automation field and trade fairs in which IDM Automation has participated.
In fact, presenting an event with a large turnout is useful for attracting the attention of new potential customers belonging to the reference sectors, who are not yet aware of the industrial automation tools that IDM Automation offers.
The automation sector is very specific and makes use of sectoral technicalities. For this reason, we have decided to create content that is understandable to industry experts but using clear and simple language to also reach new targets. The articles focus on the skills of the machines explaining what their functions are and what the advantages of automated processes are.
A new SEO strategy
We have also focused on optimizing content from a SEO point of view. All blog articles contain keywords created following in-depth sector research and specifically designed so that the customer can generate qualified leads and direct traffic to the new website.

The result of updating the website
Updating the website has allowed IDM Automation to achieve its goals. The traffic of national and international users on the site has increased, thanks to the multilingual version. The new logo also modernized the corporate image online.

Ekeria, Digita agency, specializes in creating and updating websites.
Contact us to improve your online presence. Contact us for a free consultation!
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