Home Care Software, dedicated to companies and co-operatives

Our Scheduled Home Care Software
Our software allows you to easily manage the delivery processes related to home services (home care, meal delivery, educational and nursing services, etc.) for a large number of users and over several areas/work zones.
With Hoida, you plan, execute, control and report on all activities in your company.
For each user (customer), you can specify master data, geolocalise the address and enter the planned services.
With Hoida, the coordinator can enter the activity schedule for each operator, indicating the date, duration and services to be performed. From your computer, tablet and smartphone, you can have a clear overview of the planned shifts and, if necessary, modify them with just a few clicks.

Efficiency and Accuracy in Operator Management
Each operator, via the app, displays directly on his smartphone or tablet the information relating to his shift (location, scheduled time and services to be provided). Thanks to geolocalisation, he confirms his presence at the user’s home by clocking in and, in just a few steps, records the hours worked on the services provided.
Interventions are recorded instantaneously and the reporting of activities will be accurate and immediate.
Furthermore, with Hoida, the coordinator can compare, on a daily basis, the planned services with those actually delivered. Thanks to the analysis and reporting tool, the management can account for the activities performed, check time stamps and the calculation of hours worked.
A 100% digital solution, consisting of a Cloud platform and an App for mobile devices.

Discover Hoida's functionality
forhome care companies
Discover now all the features of our management software for guaranteed success!